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Monday, 17 June 2013

If you are involved in business, then you know that networking is essential for your success. With websites like My Space, Ryze, Friendser and Direct Matches, it is easier than ever to network online. Unfortunately, most people don’t network correctly. Here are some quick and easy tips to ensure successful networking online.

1) Your number one goal is to get your prospect to look at your profile. Make it clean and easy to understand. Avoid flashy graphics. Your prospect will only look at your profile a few seconds to decide if they want to initiate contact with you.
2) Use advanced search features like company search. Many sites such as Ryze allow a company search. If you are in network marketing, use this feature to find people whose network marketing company is under investigation or in bankruptcy. They may be ready for a new opportunity.
3) Put your website URL inside your profile name. Your name should be “John Doe www.mywebsite.com” When you do this, then every time you post on a message board or a guestbook, people will see your URL and will possibly visit your website.
4) Start a group and become the expert. People will see you as a leader if you start a group. It also gives you an easy reason to contact others. Simply say, “Hello, I just started the XYZ Group. Would you like to visit it?” It is an easy conversation starter.
5) Don’t use the spam bots. There are lots of tools for adding people quickly on My Space. They get the word out quickly, but people know it is from a machine and will delete it as spam. Who wants to be friends with a spammer?
6) Don’t send friend requests too quickly. People don’t like pushy aggressive people. Exchange a few messages first before you add them.
7) Look at their profile and ask something that shows you read it. People know when you are being honest and sincere and not sending out form letters.
8) Network in groups. Find your favorites and be active in there. Give more than you take. But, don’t spam the group. If people want to find you, they know how to look you up.
9) Don’t spam out your opportunity to your friends. When you add someone as a friend, don’t turn around and give them a sales pitch. Instead say, “Wow, thanks for adding me. Let me know if I can help you out with your business.”
10) Use the bulletin feature in My Space, but use it wisely. My Space has an excellent feature where you can blast out messages to your friends. Instead of a sales pitch, send out helpful tips and articles you found.

In conclusion, networking online is a great way to grow your business, but you must do it wisely.

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