Here are 10 tips to help you increase your prospecting success in your MLM/Networking Marketing home based business.
1. Whenever you talk on the phone – SMILE!
This tip may seem kind of silly to some people, but you would be amazed
at the difference in your voice when you smile compared to when you
don’t. The person on the other end of the phone can pick it up in a
second. If you’re having difficulty with remembering to smile, consider
taping a note on your phone that says “SMILE”. It can make a world of
difference to your business.
2. When you first talk to a new prospect, ask yourself this question: Is
this someone I want to spend my time working with? If no, politely end
the call.
This is YOUR business, whether it be MLM / Network Marketing, or any
other home based business, and you have the choice of working with
anyone you choose. If you are talking with someone and you don’t feel
you would like to spend hours of your time working with them, then
don’t. Politely end the call and move on to someone else.
3. Be excited and enthusiastic!
Enthusiasm is contagious. Let your prospect hear and feel your
excitement in what your doing. Enthusiasm is like a magnet. People are
attracted to those who are excited. They want to be a part of that. They
will want what you have.
4. Stop chasing uninterested prospects who continually miss appointments.
Don’t waste your time chasing after prospects who continually miss
follow up appointments. Be understanding if they miss the first one, but
after that, move on. They are not interested, and your time is more
valuable than that. Use it to find people who ARE interested in what you
have to give them.
5. Practice your script until it sounds unscripted.
Constantly practice your phone script until you have it memorized and it
begins to sound like a normal conversation. Use a family member or
close friend to practice with. With just a little practice it will
become second nature to you!
6. Call 10 more leads than you called yesterday.
Have fun with this by challenging yourself to make 10 more dials than
you did the day before. Constantly do this and you will be shocked at
how your business will grow!
7. Do 3-way calls with your upline
Make sure you take advantage of the power of 3-way calls. They work!
When your prospect hears from someone else they don’t know, it gives
even more credibility to your MLM / Network Marketing home business.
3-way calls WILL grow your business.
8. Work your business every day.
There is an old saying that still works today: Plan your work, and work
your plan. Write out your prospecting plans and then stick to them. Plan
the times you’ll make calls, hand out business cards, flyers, etc.
9. Do more listening than you do talking.
This is a very important tip. You’ve heard it said before I’m sure…God
gave us two ears and one mouth for a good reason. While that may seem
like a cute saying, it’s full of wisdom.
Be sure you really LISTEN to your prospect. Don’t be so intent on
telling your prospect all the information about your company, your
opportunity, etc., that you lose track of what your prospect is trying
to tell you. Listen to what they’re saying, what they are wanting, and
then see if what you have is a match.
Show you care about them by listening to what they tell you. You’ll be amazed at the results.
10. Never quit!
Understand that you will have rejection in your business. Not everyone
is going to want what you are offering. It’s no big deal. Don’t take it
personally. Think of it like this:
When you are in a restaurant and the waitress asks you if you want more
coffee, sometimes you do and sometimes you don’t. The waitress doesn’t
let that affect her if you say no thank you. She doesn’t run off
screaming mad and quit because you didn’t want more coffee.
Don’t let small problems that come up, or rejections, knock you out of your plans and dreams for a better future. Don’t quit!
If you apply these tips and strategies in your prospecting activities, I
believe you will see a huge increase in your results. Keep reaching
for your goals, and above all else, have fun with what you’re doing!
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