Hosting your website with is easy, you do not need to be a programmer. All you need to know is how to use your mouse to click. From your cPanel, you will be able to install CMS/scripts (wordpress, Joomla, OpenCart, Magento, SMF, & many more others) yourself. You do not need any knowledge of coding to get started. They can also provide you access to their demo cPanel incase you need to view how their cPanel looks like but you will need to contact them for this.
For payment Options, they accept wide range of options such as Bank deposit, ATM Transfer, Internet/mobile banking, USSD Transfer and Online payment on their website via InterSwitch/Quickteller popularly used online payment processor (Mastercard, Verve & Visa Card).
Visit for more info. You can contact them by filling the contact us form on their website.
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