They fail to write a business plan. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Not having a business plan means you dont have any firmly set goals. Along with a business plan you should have a marketing plan that clearly outlines your advertising budget and what you plan to do if something goes wrong.
They cant stick to what works. Instead of having and focusing on a few affiliate programs that work for you, become a chronic opportunity seeker and hop from one work at home business opportunity to another. You never give yourself a chance to grow a single business.
They dont know their business. People never get to know their business inside and out. They dont know what sets them apart from the rest, how their business helps to serve the public and what strategies to use to make it better.
They put more emphasis on the home part of work at home. They are so caught up with the notion of getting to work from home that never they actually come to terms with the fact that this is work. In fact it may be one of the hardest things you ever you do.
They dont put advice into practice. Theres a lot of information out there. Good, useful information to help you earn money online can be found both online and offline. Your business can take a 180 if you only implement it. But many people get information and tuck it away somewhere without ever using it.
They put web creation before content creation. They spend so much time trying to make their site pretty
That they forget to add any real information to get browsers to come back Your flashy welcome sign can only do so much.
They neglect their babies. Its either because they have too many websites or they get bored, whatever the reason many people forget to revisit their websites
and look at it from a consumer point of view. Do your links work, is your content up to date, is it easy on the eyes. Even if you have 50 websites you have to show them a little TLC every now and then.
They lose touch. They dont keep in contact with their list frequently enough. Its not as if your list is holding their breath waiting for an email from you but they did take the time to sign up to your newsletter, you can a least drop a hello.
They trade dollars for hours. Youll never earn money online by trading dollars for hours. It wont kill you to miss your favorite TV show or opt out of a movie. But many refuse to sacrifice a few hours of fun to make money online. They spend more time surfing the net for jokes and gossip than actually working. Quite surfing the net and get to work.
They dont understand the concept behind the task. If your promoting because its part of the job description your wasting your time. Its not enough to just do things, you need to know why you are doing it. Otherwise youll fail to see the bigger picture and youll continue to make the same mistakes over and over again.
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